London 1904

Friday, 9 November 2007

11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month

Again it is along time since I posted but Sunday 11th November is upon us. The time to remember the brave lads & lasses that gave their lives so we can live in the freedom we do today.
The losses of life in WW1 were sadly unnecessary in most respects but it was a different time a different place where values were different too.
To fight for your Country was what you did, you were called and you went.
F.A.I. did his bit at sea, his brother joined the Army and fought in France/Belgium. F.A.I. survived.
If he hadn't then I wouldn't be here.
Not the same story for his brother Arthur St. John. he was killed in January 1916.
I have been unable to find what battle he fell. He could have been injured for a while before he died, he was 24 years of age.

My other Grandfather also lost a brother too. John Edward.
He was married, he was shot in the jaw and died 10 days later. The day before he died his wife gave birth to their daughter Alice. He would have known he was to be a father but never saw his child.
So to all the brave people that have fought for our freedom whether it be almost 100 years ago or more recently in Iraq, Afghanistan and the like, I would like to say a big Thank you. You are brave and unique.

John Edward

Arthur St. John