London 1904

Thursday, 28 June 2007

55. Not Concerning the War

Not Concerning the War

It was about Christmas time and a couple of flash men of the world you might see, they were at once asked what they would have by a smart waitress of a well known restaurant in Liverpool.

‘I’ll have some Turkey without Greece, please’ said the first
The waitress replied whimsically ‘are you pro German’
‘No I am Hungary’ was the retort
His friend chimed in ‘Don’t Russia or she won’t servia’
‘Do you intend to Romania’ cracked the girl in the chic cap and apron
‘Yes I am want Somora’
‘Then I’ll call Nancy’ and jerking her head over her shoulder she went off after Turkey

FAI Jan 1915

So was he in Liverpool at the turn of 1915???

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