London 1904

Saturday, 23 June 2007

53. Oops 1914 Not Over and Out

How could I have missed this one? A rallying song to persuade our young men to join up in the war effort.
There is a line below ‘You’ll never find us fail you when you are in distress’ this particularly tears at my heart when you think that they were failed.

A couple of years ago I visited the Somme and surrounding area. I had an opportunity to visit
Newfoundland Park. An excellent and fitting tribute to all the men that traveled thousands of miles to fight on a foreign field, so many perished. A very moving experience in my life.

Your King and Your Country Want You -
Paul A Rubens 29th September 1914

(If you click on the link for Paul Rubens, near the bottom of the page you can listen to the song as it was sung in 1914)

We've watched you playing cricket and every kind of game,
At football, golf and polo you men have made your name.
But now your country calls you to play your part in war.
And no matter what befalls you
We shall love you all the more.
So come and join the forces
As your fathers did before.

Oh, we don't want to lose you but we think you ought to go.
For your King and your country both need you so.
We shall want you and miss you
But with all our might and main
We shall cheer you, thank you, kiss you
When you come home again.

We want you from all quarters to help us south and north
We want you in your thousands from Falmouth to the Forth
You’ll never find us fail you when you are in distress
So answer when we hail you and let your word be yes
And so your name in years to come, each mothers son shall bless

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